I have to drop by to go to the drugstore. (×) 这句话哪里不对呢,这就犯了中式英语的错误,drop by后面可以直接跟地名,如: Drop by a place Stop by a place Swing by a place 都可以...
15. "I have insecurities of course, but I don't hang out with anyone who points them out to me." “当然我也会没有安全感,所以如果有人评论我的体重,我就不会和他们来往。” 16. "Life is so much easier when you don't hoard your past." “当你忘掉过去时,生...
1、catch a clod感冒、得流感或者可以说have a cold、have the flu以及上文提到过的come down with a cold。 例句: I came down with a cold just before my vacation started, so I ha...
“I have X’d myself from your world.” (我与你们的世界格格不入) 臭名昭著的连环杀人魔,邪教组织“曼森家族”的头目查尔斯·曼森(Charles Manson)今天死于狱中,终年83岁。 他曾被称为“美国最危险的杀手”。 曾有一个重金属音乐人,给自己起名玛丽莲·曼森,意为美...
Look how much more training I have done by simply starting at 4 所以你看,四点起床让我可以多训练这么长时间 Alright and so now you do that 你一直坚持这么做 As the years go on 年复一年 The separation that you have with your competitors and your peers ...